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 A VIDEOCUENTO XXII                      

                                                                     VIDEOCUENTO XXIV

Chapter XXIII
The knight of the Green Gaban

Samson Carrasco (disguised as the Knight of the Mirrors) and his squire, Tomé Cecial return to their village, humiliated by their defeat. The bachelor, who has sworn revenge on Don Quixote for the defeat and failure to bring him home again, decides to arrange a return encounter with the Knight of the Pitiful Figure, vanquish him and force him to come back with him and be cured of his madness. But Tomé Cecial has been taught a
good lesson from his first venture and refuses a second one. Then Don Quixote and Sancho meet up with a gentleman (The Knight of the Green Gaban). They strike up a conversation with him and the three of them continue on together. Don Quixote tells the Knight how he was dubbed
Sir Knight-errant and how he has come to wander about in quest of the less fortunate in order to help them. Then after an amusing incident in which Sancho places some cottage cheese in his master's helmet (barber’s basin), the three travelers see a cart pulled by oxen approaching. Inside the cart there are two lions in a cage. Don Quixote wants to try his luck at fighting with the beasts, despite of the voices against such madness. But as Don Quixote refuses to listen to reason, Sancho and the Knight of the Green Gaban retire to a safe distance, whilst the carter opens the cage, then dashes off to join the other two.

Don Quixote challenges the lions. One leaves the cage, draws near to the dauntless Nobleman, yawns leisurely, licks his chops and turning with eyes like glowing coals, returns to his cage. Sancho, who has witnessed the whole thing from a prudent distance, shouts with joy: "My master has vanquished the lions!"

Then the carter manages to convince Don Quixote not to tempt his luck with a second try, as the lions have refused to fight. So he lets the carter leave, but not before having paid him two gold escudos for his trouble. Then he, Sancho and the man of the green gaban continue their
own way. Sancho and the Knight are very much impressed by the valor of
the Knight of the Pitiful Figure who, from this moment on, decides to
call himself the Knight of the Lions, in memory of his victory over
these fearful beasts.


Webmaster: Santiago Romagosa - ,Productor largos "Don Quijote I & II", Comisario Exposición "Cervantes Encantado" y  Director la Sociedad Romagosa International Merchandising, S.L. ©-Romagosa International Merchandising, S.L -Todos los Derechos Reservados